English Speaking Bike Shop in Seville

Seville Bike Shop.bmp

Finally, I have made contact with a bike shop in Seville where the owner speaks and writes English. I probably will be buying my bike from him. He is Daniel Astolfi.

If you send him 30 percent down in advance he will set up a bike for you. I probably am going to buy a Spanish made CONOR WRC3 ALIVIO. The price with a odometer, mudflap and rack is about 500 Euros.

That’s not cheap, but last year I decided if I was going to ride the single track footpath, I wanted a decent bike. The gears on the hills and rocks take a beating. Nothing is a worse than riding on a bike that constantly needs adjustments. Except for a flat, a broken spoke and one minor tune-up. the bike did well for all 17 days and 800 Km.

Here is the website for BICICLETAS ASTOLFI in Seville, which includes contact information for the shop.

Of course, on this weblog I am only collecting information. I have no way of verifying it. You are responsible for any negotiations you make.

Bike shop map.bmp

1 Comment »

  1. jerry said

    Saludos, por tres semanas montaremaos en bici en Andalucia, Cuando llegemos en Seville, pueda advisarnos un hotel y un lugar donde podemos dejar nuestras cajas plasticos de bici por tres semanas. Nuestro plan es viajar a ortras ciudades y otros lugares, es posible dejar las cajas por todo el tiempo. Gracias por su ayuda. Hasta pronto, Jerry

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